Welcome to the ClickTravelTips content team! To ensure consistency and quality across our articles, please adhere to the following guidelines when creating and submitting your content.

Permalink Structure

Objective: Create future-proof permalinks that are concise, relevant, and SEO-friendly.

  • Avoid Numbers: Refrain from using dates, numbers, or any time-sensitive data in permalinks. This helps in keeping the URL relevant over time.
  • Remove Unnecessary Words: Eliminate filler words like ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’, ‘the’, etc. Focus on using key terms that reflect the core topic of the article.Example:
    • Before: clicktraveltips.com/2023/10/15/the-best-10-travel-destinations-in-europe
    • After: clicktraveltips.com/best-travel-destinations-europe

Heading Usage

Objective: Structure articles with clear and effective headings.

  • Use H2 for Main Headings: All main headings within the article should be formatted as H2. This helps in organizing the content effectively for readers and SEO.

Featured Images

Objective: Ensure high-quality and visually appealing featured images.

  • High Definition Required: All featured images should be high definition to avoid any blurriness. This enhances the visual appeal and professionalism of our articles.
  • Resolution Guidelines: Aim for a minimum resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. Ensure that images are not stretched or distorted to fit this size.
  • Relevance: Choose images that are directly relevant to the content of the article. The image should reflect the core theme or topic.

Additional Points to Remember

  • Original Content Only: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere.
  • Fact-Checking: Ensure all facts, figures, and claims are accurate and sourced appropriately.
  • Engaging and Informative: Write in a tone that is engaging, informative, and aligned with our audience’s interests.

We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines, which help maintain the quality and consistency of ClickTravelTips. If you have any questions or need clarification on these guidelines, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Category Selection

Objective: Choose the most relevant categories for your article to enhance its discoverability and alignment with reader interests.

  • Appropriate Category Selection: Select categories that best represent the main themes of your article. Accurate categorization helps readers find content that matches their interests more effectively.
  • Multiple Categories: If applicable, you may choose more than one category for your article. Ensure each selected category is directly relevant to your article’s content.Examples:
    • For an article on budget travel tips in Europe, consider categories like “Budget Travel” and “Europe.”
    • For a piece on luxury resorts in the Maldives, categories like “Luxury Travel” and “Asia” would be appropriate.

Article Submission and Tagging

Objective: Streamline the editorial process and maintain consistency in tagging and categorization.

  • Submission as Draft: After completing your article, please save it as a draft in our content management system. Do not publish it yourself.
  • No Tagging Required: Please do not add tags to your article. Our editorial team will handle the tagging process to ensure consistency across the platform.
  • Notify the Editorial Team: Once your article is saved as a draft, inform the editorial team via the designated communication channel. Include the title of your article and any relevant notes or queries.
  • Editorial Review and Feedback: The editorial team will review your draft, provide feedback or edits if necessary, and prepare it for publication.

Thank you for your contributions to ClickTravelTips!