How To Keep Up A Beauty Routine When Travelling

ClickTravelTips 7 Min Read

When you’re travelling, it can be easy to forget about your beauty routine. That, of course, is entirely up to you; if you don’t feel like keeping up with a skincare regime or making sure you look your absolute best, then that’s your prerogative, and more power to you. However, if maintaining a beauty regimen is important to you no matter where you are, then you’re far from alone. Here’s how to keep up a beauty routine when you’re travelling.

Look for beauty shops at your destination

If you’re travelling to a city or somewhere else that’s well-populated, then you’ll probably find plenty of shops selling beauty products. This can be a blessing if you’ve forgotten to pack something essential, like moisturiser or facial wipes. All it takes is a quick search for beauty supply stores open near me on Google and you should be able to find something that will give you what you need. You need never be caught short without your favourite products again!

Pack plenty of skincare and beauty products

If you really care about your beauty and skincare routines when you’re travelling, then you should add your favourite items to your packing checklist early on in the process. Don’t let these items fall by the wayside; while passports, documents, and clothing are all extremely important, you should treat your beauty arsenal in the same way. Pack as much as you can ahead of time so that you’re not scrambling to remember things when the day of travel comes.

Use facial mist

Facial mist is something you should be incorporating into your beauty regimen if you’re not already. It’s an easy, quick way to spruce up your skin and hydrate it, and since your skin can be prone to drying out over long-haul flights or if you’re in a country with an extreme climate, facial mist is a great way to combat that. Facial mist is easy to carry with you and shouldn’t pose any problems when you’re going through check-in, so make sure to add it to your lineup.

Try not to touch your face too much

While you’re travelling, you’re going to come into contact with a lot of substances and surfaces that your body isn’t familiar with. That’s why it’s a good idea to try not to touch your face too much. By constantly touching your face while you’re travelling, you’re increasing the risk that your skin will encounter a substance that irritates it, meaning your carefully-composed skincare routine will fall to pieces. It’s also a good idea to equip yourself with wipes or sanitiser where you can.

Get as much sleep as possible

The benefits of regular sleep for a beauty routine have been well-documented, and there’s no reason that shouldn’t go for travelling as well. The phrase “beauty sleep” is an old adage, but it applies; sleep refreshes your skin by increasing growth hormone production, thus helping your body to clear skin problems and keep you looking radiant. If possible, try to keep up a regular sleep schedule, but if you can’t, just make sure that you make up for lost sleep when you can.

Go minimalist

Sticking to a more minimalist makeup regimen can work wonders for you while you’re on holiday. While you might be used to adding lots of makeup products to your face and body, cutting back a little can help your skin to acclimatise to a new environment, thus making the chances of breaking out or reacting adversely to your surroundings lower. This also has the added benefit of letting you explore your own natural beauty rather than relying too much on makeup products.

Use lip balm

It’s not just the skin on your face that is prone to drying out when you travel. If you’re going to an extremely cold climate (or even one that’s colder than you’re used to), your lips could dry out and crack, so it’s important to take lip balm with you. Apply it whenever you can; if you feel your lips losing their moisture, grab your lip balm and add a coat. Don’t be afraid to do this whenever you feel your lips drying out, because it will help to keep your mouth healthy.

Try to keep blue light usage low

Studies suggest that although blue light elevates your mood and keeps you alert, it could also lead to damaged retinas, and it’s certainly not good for your eyes with prolonged usage. If you spend too long staring at your phone or another blue light-emitting screen, not only could you damage your eyes, but you won’t come out of it looking great either. Try to cut back on your blue light usage by making sure you’re only using your phone when you absolutely need to.

Don’t worry too much about beauty

We know it’s counterintuitive, but one of the best ways you can look after yourself while you’re travelling is not to worry too much about your beauty routine. Instead, prioritise products that keep your skin and body healthy rather than attractive. You’re travelling so that you can have a good time, and it’s far more important to keep your health up than to make yourself look “presentable”. If you make sure your skin is healthy, then you’ll glow naturally, so you’re essentially building a beauty routine just by looking after yourself. 

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